One of the Department of Motor Vehicles' (DMV) major goals is to keep all drivers licensed for as long as it is safe to do so. Along with that goal is the responsibility to enhance highway safety by increasing driver competency. DMV also recognizes that the independence and mobility that driving provides are important factors in the quality of life for most Californians.
What to expect
You can expect to be treated with respect, fairness, and courtesy during the entire examination process. If you are not treated in this manner, please contact the office manager.
DMV Wants You to Pass
Many people take their driving test when they have not sufficiently prepared, or have not practiced enough, or have not practiced the right way. Others get very nervous because they don't know what to expect. Remember, the DMV examiner will ride with you only to make sure that you can drive safely and obey traffic laws.
Your driving test will last about 20 minutes. The test consists of basic maneuvers you will encounter while driving such as: left and right turns, stops at controlled and uncontrolled intersections, straight line backing, lane changes, driving in regular street traffic, and in some cases driving on the freeway.
DMV wants you to pass your driving test. Study this pamphlet as well as the California Driver Handbook (PDF). Relax and do your best.
Who Takes a Driving Test?
You will be required to take a driving test if you have:
Are All Driving Tests the Same?
The driving test for the basic license class (Class C) is the same for all drivers regardless of age. An adult driver takes the same type of driving test as a teenage driver. A driver with a physical and/or mental condition may take a different version of the driving test containing additional test elements.
The DMV examiner is there to ensure you have demonstrated you can handle your vehicle in regular traffic situations, not to trick you. During your driving test, the examiner will note how you obey the rules of the road and traffic signs and/or signals. He/she will note other areas in which you may need improvement.
Other Test Information
For your safety, please ask the examiner to show you his or her DMV identification badge before the test begins. Pets or passengers, other than the examiner or other authorized personnel, are not permitted during your driving test.
If you have any questions, please ask the examiner before your driving test begins. During the test, the examiner will ask you questions or give you directions, but he/she will not engage in general conversation.
Test Vehicle Requirements
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