DMV Driver test Online

September 5, 2019
FREE Virginia DMV Permit
Number of questions: 30
Answer correctly to pass: 24
Passing score: 80%

Worried about the Virginia driver’s test? Stop worrying and start studying with our FREE VA permit practice test online! Our test offers 40 of the most common multiple-choice questions on Virginia road signs and driving rules. It’s based on the DMV’s driver’s manual for Virginia, so you might want to keep that within arm’s reach for reference.
In order to pass this practice test, you’ll need to answer 32 or more questions correctly. During the test, you’ll be able to track your total score by looking at the red/green bar on the left-hand side. If you’re stuck on a question, remember that you can always check the hints we’ve kindly provided below each question. If you’ve answered a question incorrectly, you’ll be provided with an answer explanation to reinforce the concept. Take this 2016 Virginia permit practice test as many times as you wish to get the best possible score. Good luck!


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