- You'll learn the basic rules of the road, when to pull over for emergency vehicles (always a favorite on driving exams), speed limits in various zones (another favorite), how to handle accidents, and more.
- Read it chapter by chapter, make notes if that helps you remember, and have somebody quiz you after each chapter. If you can answer 80% of the questions, move on to the next chapter.
- At the end of the booklet, ask to be quizzed on the whole manual. Any chapters you don't do well on, revisit. If you go through the book three times in three weeks, your chances of passing—even acing—your test are very high.
Part 2
- Practice driving. Most states have regulations regarding how much experience you have behind the wheel. Some states make allowances for taking accredited driving courses, either through school or professional instruction.
- Some states also make allowances for top students. While it won't directly help you pass your driving test, being a good student will often make it easier to meet the requirements.
- Student drivers must have a licensed driver with them at all times. In some states, having a license is all your passenger needs. In some states there are age restrictions, or restrictions based on how long the person has been licensed.
You will learn these rules and restrictions in the driver's manual that you're going to study.
- Practice driving on the test routes. Find out in advance where you will be taking the practical test (the actual driving part). While it may be illegal in your state (read the manual), unless you're following specific routes, there should be no problem driving in the general neighborhood.
- That's not generally necessary, unless you are such an inexperienced driver that you need an advantage. If that's the case, you're better off not rushing into getting a license.
- Practicing all the basic maneuvers—stopping, starting, signaling, backing up, parking, obeying the speed limit and all traffic control signs and signals are all good things to practice.
- One of the biggest things the examiner will look for is whether or not you have full command of your vehicle. If you are intimidated by the car, make jerky starts and stops, and generally show a lack of confidence in your driving, that will count against you.
- If you speed, run a light or a stop sign, or make other egregious errors, you can pretty much count on retaking the test.
- Be familiar with signage. Knowing street signs, hand gestures, when to pass, how and when to pull over for emergency vehicles will count. Read that manual! Know the rules and you'll be fine.
- Go for a drive with your parent. The morning before your test, ask them to watch you, and make sure that you check all your mirrors correctly and do all your maneuvers correctly. This will help you gain some confidence.

Source: www.wikihow.com

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