The emissions and fuel economy data on this Web site is intended primarily for those interested in obtaining detailed data and in performing data analyses. Less detailed, more consumer-friendly data about vehicle emissions and fuel economy can be found on the Green Vehicle Guide web site at and the Fuel Economy Guide Web site at www.fueleconomy.gov.
Certification Emission Test Data
All new cars and trucks sold in the U.S. must be certified to meet federal emission standards. This is accomplished by performing laboratory tests on pre-production vehicles. Most testing is performed by manufacturers at their own facilities. EPA audits the data from this testing and performs its own testing on some of these vehicles to confirm the manufacturers' results. All of this test data is available to the public for review and analysis.
Fuel Economy Test Data
All new cars and light trucks sold in the U.S. are required to have a economy label posted on the window sticker. The label contains the city and highway miles-per-gallon values, as well as other related information. To calculate these values, laboratory tests are performed on pre-production vehicles. Most testing is performed by manufacturers at their own testing facilities. EPA audits the data from this testing and performs its own testing on some of these vehicles to confirm the manufacturers' results. All of this test data is available for review and analysis, and is presented in two formats, One is a downloadable, detailed description of vehicle fuel economy tests, formatted for printing The other is a downloadable, delimited vehicle description of data for importing into databases/spreadsheets Regardless of format, the data is presented on a model year basis.