1. You will drive over a test route that has a variety of traffic situations. At all times during the test, you must drive in a safe and responsible manner.
A. True
B. False
2. During the driving test, the examiner will be scoring on:
A. personality, looks, and vehicle.
B. specific driving maneuvers and personality.
C. specific driving maneuvers as well as on your general driving behavior.
3. You will not be asked to drive in an unsafe manner.
A. True
B. False
4. You have been asked to make a turn, you should:
A. ask the examiner why.
B. check yourself in the mirrors.
C. check traffic in all directions, use turn signals, and safely get into the lane needed for the turn.
5. As you approach the turn you should:
A. use turns signal to warn others of your turn.
B. slow down smoothly, change gears as needed to keep power, but do not coast unsafely.
C. All of the above.
6. If you must stop before making a turn you should come to a smooth stop without skidding and:
A. come to a partial stop behind the stop line, crosswalk, or stop sign.
B. come to a complete stop behind the stop line, crosswalk, or stop sign.
C. Continue on your way if nothing is coming.
7. Which of the following is something you do NOT do when you are ready to turn?
A. Check traffic in all directions.
B. Keep both hands on the steering wheel during the turn.
C. Change gears during the turn.
8. When you are safely making a test you will always:
A. Keep checking your mirror to make sure the vehicle does not hit anything on the inside of the turn.
B. Look left only before turning.
C. Ask your passenger to help you watch for traffic.
9. After you complete your turn you should get up to the speed of traffic, use turn signal and move into left-most lane when safe to do so.
A. True
B. False
10. When a driver approaches an intersection he/she should check traffic thoroughly in all directions, decelerate gently, brake smoothly, if necessary change gears. You must never:
A. come to a complete stop.
B. maintain a safe gap behind any vehicle in front of you.
C. roll forward or backward after stopping.
11. Once through the intersection the driver should continue checking traffic, accelerate smoothly and change gears as necessary.
A. True
B. False
12. When driving your vehicle on a straight road how should the vehicle be positioned and travel?
A. Your vehicle should be centered in the right most lane and you should keep up with the flow of traffic but not exceed the posted speed limit.
B. Your vehicle should be centered in the left most lane and you should keep up with the flow of traffic but not exceed the posted speed limit.
C. Your vehicle should be centered in the right most lane and you should keep up with the flow of traffic but not exceed the posted speed limit by more than 10 mph.
13. Before entering the expressway you should:
A. check traffic.
B. use proper signals.
C. merge smoothly into the proper lane of traffic.
D. All of the above.
14. Once you are on the expressway you will be instructed to change lanes. Before doing this you should:
A. ask the examiner to help you navigate the traffic.
B. make necessary traffic checks, use proper signals and change lanes smoothly when it is safe to do so.
C. change lanes immediately by whatever means necessary.
15. As a driver approaches an upgrade they should select the proper gear to maintain speed and not lug the engine.